online video analytics company. I met Eugene Lee at the Snowcial conference in South Lake Tahoe a few years ago. He’s passionate about snowboarding, video, data and dancing with MC Hammer. So he sent me some interesting data from ChannelMeter on who watches travel videos on YouTube and how well they perform.
Here’s what they did
- They took a random sample of 5 million travel related videos posted to YouTube in the last 12 months.
- Then sifted out the best quality, most viewed, most liked and most commented of those travel videos.
- Extracted the top 100 and analyzed them.
Here’s what they found

YouTube Views
- 23%: search [YouTube is 2nd largest search engine]
- 12%: related videos [similar videos, consistent metadata]
External Views
- 14%: embedded or linked on creator’s site [your blog is important]
- 11% embedded view 3% clicked through for more
- 16%: outside sites [external sites syndicating good content]
- 17%: mobile [more than from Facebook (7%)]
More on the elements of an experience video tomorrow (OK Monday)…